Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka ʻĀina I Ka Pono
(The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness)

Government Links
Government Links & Useful Resources
We have put together a list of Useful Links for District 39 to help keep you connected and give you access to important resources on the go. Click below

State Capitol Room 401
415 S. Beretania St.
Honolulu, HI 96813
(808) 587-0478
Session (M-F 7:45am-5pm)
Interim (M-F 8am-4:30pm)
Note: The capitol entrances are open from 7am-5pm; an ID is required for entry
The Public Access Room (PAR) can be found on the 4th floor of the Hawaii State Capitol. It serves as a valuable resource for the public to actively participate in the legislative process. At PAR, you will have access to various amenities, including computers and office supplies, which you can utilize to prepare testimony for legislative committees. Additionally, PAR offers large-print reading materials, complete Session Laws, and other helpful resources to support your engagement in the legislative affairs.
Transportation & More
City & County Live Traffic Camera
City & County Dept. of Transportation Services (DTS) contact list
State Department of Transportation (DOT)
City & County Motor Vehicle Registration
State of HI Driver’s License
City & County TheBus
Report Potholes
City & County:
City Pothole Report Phone Line at (808) 768-7777
email either or both of the following: OR
State Pothole Report Phone Line at (808) 536-7852
​Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) maintained roads, please call (808)566-2299
HART-maintained roads:
Farrington Highway, between Kahi Mohala to Waipahu High School Athletic Field
Kamehameha Highway, between Sam's Club to the West Bound Moanalua Road exit
Kamehameha Highway, just west of Arizona Memorial Place and Kalaloa Street eastward to the H-1 ramps, including the frontage roads to Nimitz Highway.
Nimitz Highway from Valkenburgh Street to Aolele Street. Most of Kamehameha Hwy.

Honoring Congresswoman Patricia Saiki at your House of Representatives. She is a trailblazer and accomplished leader, who served in both the Hawai'i State House, Hawai'i State Senate, and the United States Congress.
Honolulu 311 is a valuable tool for residents to report non-emergency incidents and service requests to the Honolulu Police Department (HPD) and other city agencies. With the ability to track the status of their requests through email and the app, users can stay informed about the progress of their reports. Honolulu 311 accepts a wide range of non-emergency service requests, including:
City Facilities
Public Safety
Satellite City Hall & Motor Vehicle
Sewer & environment
Streets & Transportation
Trash & Recycling
Additionally, users can view nearby requests from other users and report anonymously or choose to keep their request confidential. By utilizing Honolulu 311, residents can help to maintain a safe and healthy environment for themselves and their community.